Response date changed for LTUE anthology

The date by which we will respond with an acceptance or rejection for submissions to the For Glory and Honor LTUE benefit anthology has been changed from September 30 to October 31, 2024. This is due to other projects taking longer than anticipated and interfering with our ability to properly review the submissions. To all those who submitted stories and are waiting for a response, thank you for your patience.

Books starting to ship!

Copies of the Kickstarter editions of The Horror at Pooh Corner are going out! All of the backers (except one who needs to verify their address) in Canada, Australia, Hungary, and the United Kingdom have had their copies shipped. All of those have either been received or will be shortly. All of the signed/numbered trade paperbacks have gone out now (except one being held as the recipient is moving), so they should be received within the next week or so. We’ve received the non-signed trade paperbacks now, too, so those will be going out starting next week. We’re still waiting…

Kickstarter print books ordered!

All of the Kickstarter print copies of The Horror at Pooh Corner have been ordered (except for four non-US backers who haven’t yet verified their shipping address), so we’re within 2-3 weeks of shipping out the books to everyone. Thank you so much for supporting this project! Anyone who had the ebook as part of their backer tier has also received instructions on how to obtain it through BookFunnel. The general release version will become available for preorder in bookstores worldwide once all of the Kickstarter backers have had theirs shipped out, so watch your favorite bookstore for that. We…

Call for Submissions: For Glory and Honor

Since its beginnings in the early 1980s, the Life, the Universe, & Everything Symposium (LTUE) has been a staple of the Utah and Intermountain West author and artist community. Many authors, artists, and editors have found inspiration for their careers at the feet of scores of symposium guests. Influential professors and others have mentored those planning and running the symposium, but many of these mentors have passed on. The symposium helps students of all ages by providing greatly discounted student memberships. Hemelein Publications—in conjunction with LTUE Press—created a series of memorial benefit/charity anthologies to help the symposium continue to help…

Cover reveal for Troubadours and Space Princesses

We are excited to reveal the cover for Troubadours and Space Princesses, with beautiful art by Utah artist Bradley Williams. This is the sixth in the LTUE Benefit Anthologies series edited by Jaleta Clegg and Joe Monson! This volume celebrates the amazing life and legacy of David Farland (Dave Wolverton). So many people in the Intermountain West and around the world were positively impacted by Dave. Princesses and troubadours have long been a staple of adventure fiction. The tradition continues here, with princesses going on epic journeys, a tune worthy of a royal rodent, the power of a forgotten song,…

Waiting for Elephants is out!

Waiting for Elephants, the latest collection from Jaleta Clegg, is available for purchase now! You can order it at any bookstore, and we encourage you to support your local bookstores. It’s also available at ebook retailers worldwide. This is the ninth volume in the Legacy of the Corridor series.

Cover reveal for Waiting for Elephants

We are excited to reveal the cover for Waiting for Elephants, a collection of short fiction and poetry by Jaleta Clegg! We’ve worked with her for years on various anthologies here at Hemelein, and we’re excited to publish this collection of her works. She’s a fantastic writer. This is volume 9 in the Legacy of the Corridor publication series. The ebook can be preordered at most every ebook store out there, and the print version will be available for preorder soon, too. It is scheduled for released on September 19, and we plan to have copies available at FanX in…

Cover reveal for The Horror at Pooh Corner

This was posted last week to all of the backers, and now we can reveal the Kickstarter edition cover for The Horror at Pooh Corner to everyone else! I think Jessica Douglas did a fantastic job with it. There will (of course) be a few tweaks to it here and there, but this is pretty close to the final version.

Thin Air comes out in less than a week!

Thin Air: The Cosmic Crime Fiction of Gustavo Bondoni comes out next Tuesday! If you love mysteries, crime stories, and science fiction, this is the collection for you, so preorder your copy today! It’s available for preorder at most retailers, and we encourage you to order through your local bookstore if possible. Praise for Gustavo Bondoni: “I like the way this guy writes! [This is] a worthy selection for anyone who loves short spec-fic.” —Fred Warren, on Tenth Orbit and Other Faraway Places “[He] creates these little gems that are hard to resist and hard to forget.” —Jackie Kingon, on…

Cover reveal for Thin Air

At long last (we’ve been working on it for a few months), we reveal the cover of Thin Air: The Cosmic Crime Fiction of Gustavo Bondoni! The amazing artwork is by Tithi Luadthong, and excellent Thai artist whose work we love. The book is due to come out in June 2023. See more details about the book here.