Difficulties with Amazon

Unfortunately, there have been difficulties with Amazon regarding the publication of The Bacillus of Beauty. Because the book is in the public domain, they have certain steps that must be taken before they allow public domain works to be released now. We followed all of their instructions to the letter, and now they are refusing to allow it to be published and have cancelled the preorder. If you preordered the book, we apologize. Amazon doesn’t charge you until they ship or make it available digitally, so you shouldn’t have to worry about getting a refund.

In the meantime, the book is available on just about every other ebook platform out there (Apple, Kobo, Tolino, etc.), so if you have access to one of those platforms, you should be able to get the book. We are exploring options on what to do with Amazon. The Bacillus of Beauty is an important part of our Legacy of the Corridor series.

We will keep you updated as there are changes. Thank you for your patience.