D.J. Butler

D.J. Butler has been a lawyer, a consultant, an editor, and a corporate trainer. His novels include the flintlock fantasies Witchy Eye, Witchy Winter, Witchy Kingdom, Serpent Daughter, the modern fantasy novels The Cunning Man and The Jupiter Knife (with Aaron Michael Ritchey), and the science fiction novels In the Palace of Shadow and Joy, The Gray Lords, and Abbott in Darkness, all from Baen Books. He won a Whitney Award and AML Award for Witchy Winter and a Dragon Award for Witchy Kingdom.

His middle-grade steampunk fantasy adventure tales, The Kidnap Plot, The Giant’s Seat, and The Library Machine, are published by Knopf. Other novels include City of the Saints and the Rock Band Fights Evil series from WordFire Press, and The Wilding Probate from Immortal Works. Dave organizes writing retreats and anarcho-libertarian writers’ events, and travels the country to sell books—he’s visited nearly half of all Barnes & Noble stores! He plays guitar and banjo whenever he can, and likes to hang out in Utah with his children.

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